Pet microchipping at ABC Veterinary Clinic of Lewisville is a simple, quick, and safe procedure that provides your pet with permanent identification for their entire life. A microchip, no larger than a grain of rice, is inserted under your pet’s skin, typically between the shoulder blades. This process is as straightforward as a routine vaccination.
Each pet microchip contains a unique ID number that’s registered in a national pet database along with your contact information. Veterinary clinics and animal shelters across the country are equipped with special scanners that can read your pet’s microchip number. If your pet is ever lost and found, a quick scan of the microchip reveals the ID number and a quick look at the database brings your pet back home.
Reminder: Keep Your Pet Identification Up-to-Date
Please remember that a pet microchip is only as effective as the contact information registered to it. If you move or change phone numbers, updating your information in the microchip database is essential. This simple step can make all the difference in being reunited with your pet should they ever get lost.