ABC Veterinary Clinic of Lewisville

Keeping up with animal wellness care in Lewisville is easy.
Our pet groomers can assist with ear cleaning, nail trims, bathing, and haircuts.
Having your pet vaccinated is one of the best things you can do.
We help your beloved companion avoid pet dental problems.
Our facility is a safe alternative when you need a comfortable place for your pet to stay.
We will do everything in our power to ensure their safety.
Whether you need a night out or you are heading out of town on an extended vacation, we can help. When you leave your beloved companion with us for pet boarding, you can rest assured knowing they are in excellent hands. Our caring team provides exceptional services, from trusted dog grooming to safe spay and neuter surgeries.
As your Lewisville veterinary clinic, we are proud to provide all the services needed to keep your dog or cat happy and healthy. From preventative care to surgery and treating your sick pet, our compassionate team does it all.
If you are searching for a trusted vet for your companions, we can help. Please contact ABC Veterinary Clinic of Lewisville today to schedule your pet’s first appointment. We love all companions, from cute puppies and kittens to wise senior pets. We look forward to meeting you!
ABC Veterinary Clinic of Lewisville is your trusted, local veterinarian accepting new patients and offering same-day appointments, drop-off appointments, and pet urgent and emergency care walk-ins in Lewisville, Flower Mound, Hebron, Lantana, and the surrounding communities.
Mon - Fri
8:00am – 7:00pm
9:00am – 5:00pm
Open on alternate Sundays - call for availability